Tuesday, June 2, 2009

According to the majority of biologist, in the past two centuries, they had witnessed the accelerated rates of animal extinction and endangerment that has took place alongside the rapid growth of the human population.

But when the question of what and whom to blame for this cause arise, not many seem to care. However it's us, who cause god's creation to suffer due to our overwhelming demands.
On my opinion, were all made equally despite what and who we are, no creatures are made to "dominate" the Earth.

Unfortunately, this fact isn't widely understood by many. So does the fact that animal extinction effects our daily lifes.
Animal extinction is usually caused by destroying their habitat, in this case, deforestation. Animals are like any other living creature, they can't survive without food and a home. The same things apply to us, we can't survive without sufficient amount of food provided by both animals and plants. Imagine other dominating creatures destroyed our home, how would you feel? Are you going to stand up for yourself, for your entire race?

If yes, would you think animals could stand up for themselves? They can't even communicate with us! As the destroyers and also the saviors, we must stand up for their behalf, for their right to keep living on this Earth.

It's their home, It's our home.

Then why are we still killing them, destroying their homes, ruining their lives ??
Without them ...
1. Plants wont be able to transfer their pollen grain to other places and spread their population to other parts of the world, as some rely on animals. Which indirectly leads to no.2
2. Lack of food.

3. Lack of inspiration ( You have to admit animals are human's inspiration for some aspect)

Inspired to fly by birds.

Signing off. Mling