Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Yo guys, what say you we revive this blog the moment we get back to college?

its seems such a waste that we let this awesome blog title go to waste... T.T

Lets redo this with a new blogheader, new posts n most importantly new stuff to blog about.

It can be anything to do with the architecturing world n also our college life.

Anyone with me?!

still love ya guys xD

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Overall through out the whole project, we had created a strong bond between one another as an innovative and creative group.

To accomplish our respectively duties in each assignment given by our dedicated lectures, Pn.Yati and Mrs. Charles, we had been through hardwork, spending sleepless night making the class exhibition a success. However, most importantly we understood everything we had done are worth every drop of our hardwork
During the class exhibition held at The Gallery, we as a group sold drinks - Pina Lacarda (mocktail aka cocktail without alcohol) and managed to raised a certain amount of fund for orphanage. Nevertheless, we as part of the class helped out in selling the biodegradeble bags and also the class exhibition's preparation.

As for "The Tree of Hope", we had created an ark, rehab centre and a bird nest as the answer we provide for solving animal extinction.

-The Ark represent the Noah Ark, transfering endangered animals to The Rehab centre.

-Around the Rehab centre, there is wind mill to generate wind power. Even animals conserve mothernature :D So we got to do our part too, we can make a difference.

-Bird nest represent us providing the animal a warm & healthy home. On the surface of the birdnest, we had installed solar panel, to generate solar energy.

Benjamin and Leonard installing our creation onto "The Tree of Hope"

Preparing for class presentation about our art sculpture.

Lastly, we had done a great job in our the video presentation !!!! Hopefully you all enjoyed it :)
To watch the video, please scroll down to the next few posts below. Thanks You :D

Till Then, everyone.
Bye :P

Sustain and Improve Human Life and the Ecosystem.

But what can we do to improve and sustain the quality of human life and our planet’s ecosystem?

By sufficient preservation of forest and the conservation of the earth resources, we can effectively upkeep our ecosystem. Having said, these solutions may be proposed repetitively ALL THE TIME by everyone, but these can answer to the issues in so many ways that the outcomes are greater than you think it is! Forests act as carbon sinks by absorbing carbon dioxide from the air through photosynthesis. This is one of the natural ways to reduce carbon-containing chemicals in the air, and thus reduce global warming. Carbon sinks remove carbon dioxide (an example of greenhouse gas) from the atmosphere is known as CO2 sequestration or carbon sequestration. Tropical reforestation can mitigate global warming until all available land has been reforested with mature forests. You may as well know that the plants are vital in the ecosystem as they are the producer of energy in the food-chain, thus a healthy amount of greenery can definitely sustain human life and the ecosystem.


The WHITE hat:

The improvement or sustainability of the human life and ecosystem can be viewed scientifically. We can save the flora and fauna by breaking through in genetic engineering. Now that we have advanced tissue culture technology, cloning of animals is possible. To avoid extinction of the animals, scientists can deepen their research on the species, provide rehabilitation services and also apply appropriate genetic engineering methods, ALL done by using their knowledge and facts about the issues.

The RED hat:

Heeding gut feelings can be practical in saving the environment. Based on experience and intuition, we are able to avoid making the same mistakes in sustaining the environment.

Like Al Gore, he’s passionate and emotional about his role as to create awareness, by stretching his influence across the globe. Clearly, he has successfully caused an impact in human lives, at least we do WAKE UP and realise the urgency of his message through his thorough research and analysis.

The YELLOW hat:

“YES! WE CAN DO IT! CHEERS AND LIFE IS GREAT because you know YOU can be part of it!”

The desire to make things happen is essential. After all, thoughts come before actions. THOUGHTS becomes ACTIONS! See how it works?! The Secret has taught us how to think positively in order to get desired outcomes. In saving the environment, EVERYONE has to think positively that global warming would somehow cease, that animal extinction would somehow come to an end, that human life would somehow prolong and improve. We can HOPE together as a group, this would generate stronger positive vibes.

The BLACK hat:

It is very judgemental and logical. It is easier to be destructive than constructive. The methods we have proposed to save the ecosystem have its own pros and cons. By thinking critically and negatively, some methods might pose more negative effects compared to its positive effects. Putting on the black hat, you pin point the problems in our environment and the flaws in our approach to save the ecosystem. It makes us ponder more, for instance, all the advertising and money spent just to create awareness for the Earth Hour, is it worth all that or is it too commercialised? Will people forget about it soon? Could the money be spent on any better use, like funding the environmental organizations? These show the study on the negative side.

The GREEN hat:

Innovation is very much needed in this field. To improve and sustain human life and the ecosystem, we have to be creative and imaginative. THINK of what other possibilities and alternatives are there while emphasizing only on one issue. Like what Ahmed and his group have proposed through the Tree of Hope, we can construct buildings that can cure the environment by certain process. Maybe we can avoid deforestation by using entirely recyclable building materials or even construct smart condominiums above roads in future to preserve the forests. By then, no monkeys would even bother to break into your house to steal bananas when they have the forest to themselves.

The BLUE hat:

Looking at the big picture, we have to care about every aspect of what our actions can cause. By careful observation and overview, we keep the group focused and clear in directions. In the environmental field, we have international organisations that take different aspects into account. It is important to have a organised and centralised association to carry out environmental-loving campaigns. For example, in large scale, the World Wildlife Foundation has combined efforts to save the animals from extinction. While in small scale, our creative thinking group, A.I.M is doing this. =)

Para Hacer un abrigo de piel se necesitan 120 crías.”
“In order to make a fur coat, 120 young animals are needed.”

Ad by: f.a.a.d.a. (Fundación para la adopción, apadrinamiento y defensa de los animales),

the Spanish animal rights organisation.


Our videos that show some solutions to this problem!

Architects In Making (Vol. 1) - The 'Leather' BagAdd Image

Architects In Making (Vol. 2) - Energy Saving

Enjoy! :)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Damages caused, and how we may be able to overcome it.

The global issue that our group has chosen is the extinction of animals. The extinction of animals by humans began in year 1651 when the last Dodo bird was killed. Since then, other species of animals have been facing extinction. Some examples are the Bali tiger and the Golden Toad.

One example of the damages caused by the extinction is the loss for certain generations to appreciate the widlife animals that God has created. It also causes an unstable ecosystem due to the extinction,

Other damages that might happen in the near future is the reducing food we have in this world to accomodate for everyone. Then, there is also the fur and cloth reduction from the extincting animals. The future will be chaotic, and many of us will lead an unhealthy life because of the fact that the animals, our food, are being polluted. Resulting in us polluting ourselves.

We, as the new generation can help this problem by creating an awareness that is able to reach out to all kinds of people. The war we now fighting is to save the world, and saving the animals are a part of it. We can make a difference by awaring the public and by also leading a different lifestyle from our past generations. We will put everything into consideration and make a choice for the greener good of the Earth.

Among some creative solutions to saving the animals is to stop using fur products! Many animals are killed just because of their fur and nothing else. Another solution is to build rehabitation centres for exticnting animals. Not only that, animals should be treated with care because they are still living things just like us. The last solutions is to stop eating exotic animal meals like shark fin soup. The way the kill the animals just to make special delicaies is a torture to the animals and will only lead them to extinction.

Someone has to take the lead for the rest to follow. Let us all do what we can (for the animals) !

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

According to the majority of biologist, in the past two centuries, they had witnessed the accelerated rates of animal extinction and endangerment that has took place alongside the rapid growth of the human population.

But when the question of what and whom to blame for this cause arise, not many seem to care. However it's us, who cause god's creation to suffer due to our overwhelming demands.
On my opinion, were all made equally despite what and who we are, no creatures are made to "dominate" the Earth.

Unfortunately, this fact isn't widely understood by many. So does the fact that animal extinction effects our daily lifes.
Animal extinction is usually caused by destroying their habitat, in this case, deforestation. Animals are like any other living creature, they can't survive without food and a home. The same things apply to us, we can't survive without sufficient amount of food provided by both animals and plants. Imagine other dominating creatures destroyed our home, how would you feel? Are you going to stand up for yourself, for your entire race?

If yes, would you think animals could stand up for themselves? They can't even communicate with us! As the destroyers and also the saviors, we must stand up for their behalf, for their right to keep living on this Earth.

It's their home, It's our home.

Then why are we still killing them, destroying their homes, ruining their lives ??
Without them ...
1. Plants wont be able to transfer their pollen grain to other places and spread their population to other parts of the world, as some rely on animals. Which indirectly leads to no.2
2. Lack of food.

3. Lack of inspiration ( You have to admit animals are human's inspiration for some aspect)

Inspired to fly by birds.

Signing off. Mling

Thursday, May 14, 2009

White Tigers!

The white tiger (also known as the Bengal tiger) is about 3 meters long, and weighs approximately 180-285 kg (400-569 LB). It’s coat lies flatter than that of the Siberian tiger, the tawny color is richer and the stripes are darker.

White tigers are white colored bengals, they are not albinos and they are not a separate subspecies of tigers.

They have blue eyes, a pink nose, and creamy white furr covered with chocolate colored stripes. White tigers are born to tigers that carry the unusual gene needed for white coloring. Wild white tigers are rare species.

Fascinating fact about white tigers:
- The white tiger is a good swimmer, but a very poor climber.
- They may be slow runners, but they are stealthy enough to catch any prey in their sights.
- Because they are solitary animals, they hunt mostly at night
- White tigers are born to Bengal tigers that carry an unusual gene needed for white coloring.
- The other four sub-species of tiger are Siberian, South China, Indochinese, and Sumataran. There are only approximately 5,000 to 7,400 tigers left in the wild.

"There's more bad news from Kanha Tiger Reserve. Tragically, yet another tiger was found dead in Kisli Range, yesterday morning. It was a beautiful adult male, in his prime. The animal was lying in a pool of water with head injuries that had apparently been inflicted by another tiger."
Why are these happening around us? White tigers are like one of the most exotic animals on Earth. It should be protected and not slaughtered for its fur.

There are only around 200 of the white tigers left in the world. White tigers are an Asian species, found from the frozen tundra of the Soviet Far East, south to the humid jungles of Malaya and Indonesia, and west to the hot, hardwood forests of India. There are five living subspecies; three others are already extinct. Current estimates put the world population of wild tigers at about 5,000-7,000, the most numerous race being the Bengal race, distributed among some 18 tiger reserves and sanctuaries of India (and a half-dozen in Nepal and Bangladesh), accounting for over two-thirds of all wild tigers.Tigers are a protected species all over the world. Even though it's completely illegal to hunt them, people are still slaying these beautiful creatures.

The history of White Tiger
During the last 100 years, merely 12 white tigers have been spotted in the wild in India; giving an approximate proportion of 1 white tiger for every 10,000 normal pigmented (orange) tigers.
The white tiger's origin was recorded in India during the start of the HB Mughal period from 1556 to 1605 A.D.
The first "modern" case of a white tiger being captured was in 1915. He was caught by the local maharajah who kept the tiger until its death.
The recent spotting of a white Bengal tiger in the wild was in Rewa (Central India) on 27, May 1951. This male tiger was captured by the Maharaja Martand Singh of Rewa and was named Mohan - it is from this animal that all white tigers in captivity today are descended.
In 1960, a two year old white tiger in Rewa, Mohini, was bought by a businessman for US $10,000.00 and given to the National Zoo in Washington D.C. On 5th December 1960, Rewa appeared on the USA White House lawn with then president, Eisenhower.
Rewa was used to try and breed more white tigers in the USA (with normal orange tigers) but her offspring had various physical defects.
At the beginning of this century it is estimated that there were 100,000 wild tigers, today the number is less than 8,000. Simply put, tigers are disappearing in the wild. The main threats to tigers are poaching, habitat loss and population fragmentation.

Habitat & Range
Tigers usually dwell in an area from about 10 to 30 square miles where there is enough prey, cover/shelter and water to support them. Territory mainly depends upon the amount of prey which is available. The more concentrated the prey the smaller is the area that a tiger needs to survive.

If we want the next generation to be able to see such beautiful and amazing animal, WE GOT TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Save the Bengals!